Fractional Design Leadership: a solution to the vicious cycles of product design.

Fractional Design Leadership: a solution to the vicious cycles of product design.

Most software companies struggle to define a business strategy that matches what their customers are really looking for – but it doesn’t have to be that way.

It’s time to change our thinking, and our approach.

We’re thrilled to announce a new family of services designed to help you break through endless design cycles and shift to a culture of data-driven decision making to design products that keep your customers wanting more:
Fractional Design and Innovation Leadership.

Systems: The Sixth Element of User Experience

Systems: The Sixth Element of User Experience

In the light of the shift that’s taken place since the beginning of UX from designing software-like interactions on the web to building web-based software and services, and seeing the impact these have on the wider world, it’s time to update the elements of User Experience to include a new element: systems.

A Systems Thinking Approach to Understanding the Value of UX

A Systems Thinking Approach to Understanding the Value of UX

Recently, I’ve encountered a wave of skepticism from senior leaders in product development circles. They’re posing some tough questions: Why invest more in UX? What’s the value of UX? Can’t product managers handle research? Why can’t product managers do the research? Yet, amidst these “anti-UX” questions I’m seeing and experiencing a completely different on-the-ground reality: product teams champion UX. They see both the tactical and strategic value of a solid UX practice. In this article, I’ll dive into why that gap exists, how to bridge it and how to respond to the “anti-UX” questions in a meaningful way using a systems-based approach. If you’re navigating the challenges of trying to deliver a complex product or argue for the value of UX, let’s connect to explore the power of a systems-based approach in driving product success.

Transforming Product Development: A Guide to Strategic UX Research Integration

Transforming Product Development: A Guide to Strategic UX Research Integration

Episode 5, 3 Minutes
Product managers, researchers and designers tell me they’d like to shift to more Strategic UX Research but often aren’t really sure how. As with most transitions, it can be hard to know where to begin, and it is easier if you break it down into smaller chunks. In this video, I explore where Strategic UX Research fits into the product development process and provide a quick assessment tool to help you think about where your research practice is.

Rapid Journey Mapping

Rapid Journey Mapping

Episode 4, 3 minutes
Journey Mapping is a potent and popular tool to better understand your customer’s current state, uncover some unmet needs and even identify fresh ideas that lead to innovation opportunities.
BUT… they can take a long time to produce. ?
That’s why I’m so keen on Rapid Journey Mapping. A technique I learned through Rob Brodnick of Sierra Leaning Solutions. Instead of one-on-one interviews, Rapid Journey Mapping gathers groups of users and guides them through a session using remote sticky note magic!
Why it’s ?:
Speed: Groups mean you can connect with a lot of people very quickly
Group Power: Get collective insights without the groupthink
Great Data: Because it’s so direct, users feel heard and tend to offer impactful contributions.