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Positive Turbulence, a Mindful 3rd Way to Growth & Innovation
In my journey through the world of digital product design and technology, I've seen that there are three ways innovation happens: The Hero Way - This is an amazingly charismatic and visionary leader (think Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison) who drives and drives...
3 Hard Questions to Ask Before You Start Building That App
Ideas, not money, is the real currency in business. But the big challenge is knowing what ideas to develop into new products and services and when. "Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward: They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game." – Johann Wolfgang...
Positive Turbulence Podcast
The Positive Turbulence Podcast is about innovation, creativity, leadership, and change. It is a product of AMI and is co-hosted by Karyn Zuidinga, NextWAVE Innovation founder and lead digital innovation strategist.
Step into the extraordinary world of The Positive Turbulence Podcast as we embark on a curious expedition to the outskirts of innovation. Join us as we dive deep into the minds of the fearless turbulators, those remarkable individuals transforming the world with their beautiful tales of positive change.
This podcast is for you if you crave inspiration and seek a fresh perspective on making a difference. Uncover the untold stories of our remarkable guests, who have fearlessly challenged the status quo and blazed new trails to create a brighter tomorrow.
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